
FREE Guide: How To Be Interviewed By An Independent Music TV Channel And Promote My Music On TV Streaming Services?

A major challenge for independent artists, especially those starting now, is getting offered interviews with producers making their music played on music TV channels. In order to reverse this unfair situation, we introduce you to a solution that is simple and accessible for all.

In a nutshell, there is a new and independent platform offering you the opportunity to have the experience of being interviewed by a producer, wherever you are, through international Zoom interviews, with no geographical limitations whatsoever, without any kind of boundaries or restrictions.

As well as answering questions about your career, you can also perform, talk about your projects, promote your social networks and show off music videos and live performances.

This is a simple but great solution for gaining experience promoting your music. You can watch one of their interviews if you keep reading to learn more about how it works, if it’s a good option for you, and how you can book your interview.

Note: If you are not into interviews, check out this FREE Guide about how to get on the news and publish articles about your music.

SuperPop.TV Is A Music TV Channel For Independent Artists

​SuperPop.TV is an independent music TV channel for emerging and independent artists, singers, musicians, dancers, gamers and bloggers. From original music to dance and performance videos, the platform supports talent of all kinds.

This project is being developed to create a platform that allows viewers access to innovative creator-made content in a fun and inventive way, through Zoom lives. Watch one of our interviews now and keep reading to learn more about how it works, and how you can book your interview.

Singer Rich Chambers – Interview For SuperPop.TV

You get the point straight away, without any geographical limitations. The independent TV channel is aimed at the millennials who live on Youtube and other video stream platforms, hungry for fresh new content they can relate to. SuperPop.TV is available on TV streaming services such as Roku and expanding to Amazon Fire and Apple TV.

Although it’s great to have a good camera and professional mic, you can still be interviewed by SuperPop.TV, even using just your phone. It’s accessible and easy-going.

It’s The Indie Artists From The Internet Stealing The Show on TV

The SuperPop.TV Independent music TV channel is home to cultural creatives who want to share their work with a supportive audience. The music channel features music videos and interviews with independent artists and producers too, creating a symbiosis of independent content delivered to a segmented audience who already are interested.

There are great rewards in being an independent artist, but they also don’t have the backing of major labels, which is why everything is on SuperPop.TV is 100% independent and FREE.

Their producers often invite producers from around the globe to look at your talent, so if you’re out of sight, then you’re out of mind; show yourself on SuperPop.TV and get discovered.

SuperPop.TV is an independent music TV channel available on TV streaming services such as Roku, powered by MW3.biz Casting Network. Based in the United Kingdom, it’s an international TV channel made by independent producers for independent artists.

What to expect when being interviewed on SuperPop.TV?

The process is very simple. Just an informal video chat with Will Lisil, a very easy-going producer, and other producers who will be watching in the background. Basically, it consists in talking about your career and plans, but enjoying the experience, with no pressure!

The Zoom interview is recorded, and it will not be edited. So, prepare yourself as the space is yours, you will be able to play your instrument and sing your own songs or covers, totalling 4 songs. It’s 30 to 45 minutes of informal chat, talking seriously about your career but also laughing a lot since jokes are allowed. It must be fun, not dressy.

At the end of the interview, you can say something encouraging to send positive vibes to the young generation. If you have a music video, the team can publish it after the interview too, so you will be inviting the audience to watch. That’s simple like that, no strings attached.

What Kind Of Questions do I have to Answer?

Since they seek authenticity, the team never prepares for interviews; the surprise of meeting a new artist is what makes the experience so exciting. This ensures the audience is more attracted to the questions because they are based on real, genuine curiosity.

Out of sight, out of mind. Show your talent on SuperPop.TV, doesn’t matter the number of likes or followers you have, they are investing in talent!

How Do I Know When My Interview Goes Live?

The SuperPop.TV team work hard, it takes about 30 days for your interview to be published, after which they publish an article about you, attaches your music, and also make your full interview available on YouTube, including the video attached to the article too.

In addition to learning about you and your projects, readers of their music news network can also listen to your songs and watch your interview without leaving the article’s web page, which is for sure one more great opportunity to get even more discoverable online.

My Interview Stays Available Online For How Long?

For 30 days, the interview is repeated many times throughout the day on the TV channel SuperPop TV (Roku – TV streaming services). After that, the full interview continues available on the archives of the independent TV channel, not only on Roku but also on YouTube.

Since users can search and select what to watch, your content will be more discoverable too, reaching a diversified audience.

The SuperPop.TV Team will be happy to provide you with any additional information you need, feel free to contact them.

How Can I Book My Interview?

It’s also very simple, choose a date that works for you on the calendar below, fill out the form, and send links to your social networks. No selection process is involved; the interview date you book is guaranteed.

This is a socio-constructive project that supports the independent music industry. Your interview will be repeated on the TV channel FREE of charge. It is also worth mentioning that the team of professionals also works as volunteers, with a minimum contribution even below $50 (USD) being accepted for the maintenance of the SuperPop.TV music channel.

Additionally, you can read their TrustPilot reviews to get an idea of how they perform. PopHits.Co offers a verifie TrustPilot profile, and you can also check this slide with a few reviews from members.